All my healing sessions integrate several modalities, according to the Angels guidance and needs of the client.
I am an Usui Reiki®️ Master-Teacher. I was first initiated in this modality of energy healing in 1996 in Brazil. Years later, I got recertified in the USA. With time, I was initiated in some other modalities such as Isis Seichim Reiki®️, Dolphin Trilogy Reiki®️, Matrix Energetics®️, Integrated Energy Therapy®️, Access Bars®️, Violet Flame Reiki, Money Reiki, Celtic Reiki, among others.
In 2006, I received a spontaneous initiation during one of my sessions, which I called Blue Whale Reiki®️, specifically targeting “mother healing”. These unconscious unresolved emotions from childhood can cause some serious problems in our health and relationships in general.
I have tested this modality with many of my clients and they reported awesome results of physical healing and better relationships with their mothers and with everyone in their lives.
Besides the above mentioned modalities, I may use radiestesia, radionics and crystals.
Sometimes, during healing, the angels advise and perform an energetic surgery for healing of various physical, mental or emotional issues.
During this session, I call for the Presence of the Archangels to perform the healing through me. In Brazil this is called Spiritual Surgery.
Spiritual Surgery is painless, because it is performed at the energy level.
The angelic healing may be performed at long distance or in person, at the Spiritual Spa location in Washoe Valley, Nevada. However, long distance treatments also require commitment from the part of the patient.
You must leave a large bottle of water by your bed during the 5 nights of treatment. You must drink from this water during the next few days, it will be energized by the Archangels specifically for your healing during your sleep. The water bottle must be already open once the session starts.
It is common to find tiny bubbles in the water in the morning. It’s a beautiful sign of the angelic energetic remedy. But even if you didn’t find bubbles, the water is still energized by angels and should be taken throughout the day.
All diseases start at the energy level first, manifesting physically afterwards. The same thing happens in energy healing. The healing starts at the energy level first, manifesting physically later. For this reason, I advise at least 4 days of treatments to start seeing results, because the energy will act in clearing your chakras and some blockages first, preparing your cells to receive the blessings.
Yes, it's true that our free will, positivity and high vibration will keep all bad things away. But in this physical world, we may not be 100% all the time.
Maybe an unexpected event, or a flu, a broken heart or the death of a loved one, may have shaken your emotional stability and left the door a little open for the negativity to come in. Now the "evil eye" from your co-worker, the anger of your old boyfriend and bad wishes of your competitor may have a chance.
As far as I know, when we work with Angels constantly, these things very seldom can affect you, but in cases, they may cause troubles or delay things around you.
I also passed through the "denial" phase, just like Doreen says she did, because we were both raised in the positive thinking and higher vibration concepts, which are very true. But we both passed through the same mistake of denying that "bad" even existed, and that's where the problem starts.
I do believe in protection, specially with Archangel Michael. I call him everyday, all the time to clear me and protect me. I also have his clearing prayer stuck on my shower wall, which asks to remove every kind of negative thought-form that could harm me. I also carry black tourmaline, amethyst, selenite and sodalite with me for protection all the time.
I know the Angels and their crystals are protecting me, I have had a lot of proof of that. But I meet a lot of people in this work and I do sense, once in a while, someone sending me bad vibes.
When you are emotionally vulnerable, even with all the protection, you may see some things happening around you. Then it's time to admit to yourself that you need a clearing. And if you are reading this right now, maybe your angels are telling you that you need one.
Some of the benefits reported by my clients:
This angelic ritual is commanded by Archangel Michael. It also includes discardable crystals, sacred geometry tables and the anchoring of the 72 Kabalistic Angels. It is performed at specific portal times and it lasts exactly 1 hour. After the session, Livia gives you a picture of the scenario and feedback of how the clearing went. She will bury the crystals used afterwards. They can never be reused,
One of the best ways to check if you are with "foreign" negativity (sent from someone else) is to notice your thoughts. Are they unusually foggy and you can't think clearly? Are you feeling unusually angry or irritated? Are you having strange addictions and thoughts that don't seem yours? Try this clearing with archangel Michael and you will notice the relief right away and it may continue for up to 21 days.
To perform this session, you will be required to provide a photo, name and date of birth of the person to be cleared. Provide the business card photo in case of businesses. We can also clear properties with the address. All information and photos will be discarded after the clearing, for your privacy. May you request a new clearing later on, you may need to provide the information again.
Long Distance Energy Clearing with Archangel Michael (removes spells, voodoos, evil eye, cords and other dark energies that stagnate your life)
This crystal bed differs from other crystal beds around, because it was brought from Brazil, and each crystal was carefully chosen from the SAME cluster, to better work in sinergy with each other. This makes this bed unique and amazingly more powerful.
These 7 pointed crystals are very clear and come from a river bed in central Brazil, a highly spiritual place that seats on top of a giant crystal quartz.
This place is famous for bringing out psychic abilities in common people and many experience paranormal phenomenas, such as materialization of objects in their hands, after moving to this place.
Each of the 7 crystals was carefully extracted from the same cluster and carved into perfectly clear points and connected to chromotherapy lights, representing each of the 7 major chakras.
Our problems in the physical world start at the energy level. The Crystal Bed Experience clears and balances each chakra, heals emotional and mental issues and, consequently, opens up the channels for healing, love and prosperity.
This session consists of lying down on a comfortable and sanitized massage bed, wearing white or light colored clothing, under a Crystaltherapy and Chromotherapy machine for 20, 40 or 60 minutes, listening to angelic meditation music that will help you to rest and open up for healing. Most people sleep soundly through this process.
You may choose 20, 40 or 60 minutes under the crystal bed. The value of the entire session is a flat fee of $72, no matter how long you stay.
During this time, Livia watches you closely and connects to your angels to collect messages about your process. After the session, you will drink your personalized energized water and receive a 30 minutes reading.
👼 All sessions include Reiki and/or other modalities of energy healing that potencialize the benefits.
👼 Service provided in person at the Spiritual Spa location in Washoe Valley, Nevada, United States.
“Using the crystal bed, has truly made a positive difference in my life. I registered and paid for a trip to the Galapagos islands before I realized how small the cabin and bathroom would be. I have struggled for years with claustrophobia.
I was experiencing so much anxiety and worry over the trip that I was getting ready to cancel.
After sharing my concerns with Livia I decided to use the crystal bed and what a difference it made. Not only was I able to go on the trip with ease and comfort. I was able to remain in the cabin and use the facilities without anxiety and stress.
Even now, after all this time, my Claustrophobic fears and reactions have been at an all-time low. Such a blessing! I highly recommend using the crystal bed for energetic healing, and creating a more positive life.”
By L.D. on 4/10/24
Want to experience it?
Call or Text: 775-745-0713
Service provided at Spiritual Spa location.
Every person has at least two Guardian Angels who stay with them during their whole life. Your Angels know your life purpose, fears, your dreams and wishes. They are Light Beings of unconditional love, sent by our Creator to protect and guide us.
Angels do NOT have an ego, therefore, they do not judge us by our culture, religion or background. They just love us unconditionally and help us to make decisions from a place of Love.
They know your heart's true desires and talents. They also know your limitations and fears, and they can help you to break free from them.
Angels respect our free will, so they may only help you if you ask, except in a case of life threatening situation before our time.
Livia was born in a family of psychics and mediums in Brazil. She started seeing and hearing angels at a very young age. She has learned tarot cards with both of her grandmothers.
Trained in Angel Therapy™️ by Doreen Virtue PHD in Kona, Hawaii, Livia Maris Jepsen helps you to connect with your Angels and make the life changes that you need, in order to be happy in all areas of your life.
During this extremely healing session, Livia will connect with your Angels and transmit their messages to you. She will use Angel cards, as well as her clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Angel Therapy sessions can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes. They can be performed in person or online through video chat (FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom or Skype). The fee is flat, no matter how long you stay (maximum of 90 minutes).
The duration of the reading depends on how open the client is to the angelic messages. Angels must respect our free will, therefore, if we are skeptical and closed up, they are not authorized to reveal too much. Always choose a channel that you trust for this reason.
Prior to your initial reading, Livia will do your soul reading (angelic map) to reveal the light ray of your soul and personality, purpose and cabalistic angels. This process may take a lot of time and it’s usually done the night before the reading.
For this reason, we ask for all the information below to be delivered at least 24 hours prior to your reading:
Please, send these informations, at least 24 hours prior, to the e-mail livia@mycrystalangel.com or WhatsApp.
Flat fee per session (in person or videochat)
*In person services are performed at the Spiritual Spa location in Washoe Valley, Nevada, United States.
Every phrase that a child hears, consciously or unconsciously, will impact his/her confidence, level of success and life choices as an adult. Negative phrases can quickly become serious limiting beliefs, that later on may unconsciously affect finances, health and relationships.
Positive affirmations are well known for creating great changes in people’s subconscious minds, therefore leading to better choices and self-image, greatly increasing the potential for more prosperity, health and happiness over time. The earliest we start feeding positive affirmations and ideas into our minds, the better will be the outcome as adults.
With this coloring book, children will have fun, stimulate their creativity and, without knowing, absorb the power the affirmations to become loving and kind adults, but yet, full of confidence and with a prosperous mindset.
The Little Master Series was made to prepare our children to become greater human beings, knowing that they can become and conquer anything with focus, confidence and integrity.
This blog was designed as a tool to establish Prosperity Thinking in our subconscious mind. We will post short phrases from many different authors and books, to make the Prosperity Plan more fun and easy to follow.
This blog is managed by Livia Maris Jepsen, Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD.
In this playlist we can pray and decree in a fun way, with uplifting songs that we can listen to at the gym, beach, traffic and even play them on a party. Prayers and decrees can be fun.
Personal playlist from Livia Jepsen dba My Crystal Angel (www.mycrystalangel.com).
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Olá! Que bom ter você por aqui. Lívia está atualmente em recesso até 01/04/25, quando retomará suas atividades após se recuperar de uma cirurgia. Ela agradece sua gentil compreensão durante este período.
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