Every phrase that a child hears, consciously or unconsciously, will impact his/her confidence, level of success and life choices as an adult. Negative phrases can quickly become serious limiting beliefs, that later on may unconsciously affect finances, health and relationships.
Positive affirmations are well known for creating great changes in people’s subconscious minds, therefore leading to better choices and self-image, greatly increasing the potential for more prosperity, health and happiness over time. The earliest we start feeding positive affirmations and ideas into our minds, the better will be the outcome as adults.
With this coloring book, children will have fun, stimulate their creativity and, without knowing, absorb the power the affirmations to become loving and kind adults, but yet, full of confidence and with a prosperous mindset.
The Little Master Series was made to prepare our children to become greater human beings, knowing that they can become and conquer anything with focus, confidence and integrity.
This blog was designed as a tool to establish Prosperity Thinking in our subconscious mind. We will post short phrases from many different authors and books, to make the Prosperity Plan more fun and easy to follow.
This blog is managed by Livia Maris Jepsen, Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD.
In this playlist we can pray and decree in a fun way, with uplifting songs that we can listen to at the gym, beach, traffic and even play them on a party. Prayers and decrees can be fun.
Personal playlist from Livia Jepsen dba My Crystal Angel (www.mycrystalangel.com).
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Olá! Que bom ter você por aqui. Lívia está atualmente em recesso até 01/04/25, quando retomará suas atividades após se recuperar de uma cirurgia. Ela agradece sua gentil compreensão durante este período.
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